Diplomarbeit an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Description (eng)
Defuse Moments
My project has the title "entschaerfte Augen-Blicke" which is a word play in German.
"entschaerfte": the part "ent" of the word alone means to take something away to make it or something less. "Scharf" alone has the meaning of sharp, in this case to see something clear. Putting the two words together one begins to understand the double meaning of the word. This is like the difference between "defuse" and "diffuse" in English.
"Augen-Blick": "Augen" is eye. "Blick" means: gaze, glance, sight or look. But the words together without the dash mean instant or moment. When they are separated one can see the word play.
In English the closest title that I could give my project would be "defuse moments" which might help to understand the questions that my work deals with:
- How does visual perception work?
- What controls our gaze to where?
- What do I receive from my central field of vision and what do I dismiss to the periphery?
- What does the eye recognize due to which information you can find in pictures?
- What happens while looking at blurred paintings?
- Is it necessary to explain painting through language?
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Provenance (eng)
This thesis has been migrated to the repository of the angewandte in the course of a database migration (2022).
The thesis is made available within the framework of the obligation to publish (§ 86 UG 2002).
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