The mimicry complex describes a situation where
a group of organisms, the mimics, have evolved
to share common perceived characteristics with
another group, the models, through the selective
action of a signal-receiver or dupe.
As an interaction, mimicry is in most cases
advantageous to the mimic and harmful to the
receiver. It may, depending on the situation,
increase, reduce or even have no effect on the
model`s fitness. Crypsis is the ability of an
organism to avoid observation. A cryptic animal
may do this through camouflage, nocturnality,
subterranean lifestyle, transparency or mimicry.
The collection explores the variety of mimicry
strategies in traditional communities, in particular
their symbolic, moral and identity concepts.
Cryptic, conservative fashion attitudes emphasize
self-effacement and excentricity, questions of
identity crystallise and fluctuate at the same
time. The contemporary morphology of an antiquated
fashion and lifestyle legacy.
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