"The installation Upward, behind the onstreaming it mooned
combines a variety of media, ranging from drawing, installa
tion and objects to audio works. The setting is inspired by the
Age of Sail, the era when sailing ships embodied the pinnacle
of technological advancements and dominated the world for
over three centuries. Besides my juvenile fascination for ma
ritime lore, adventure and discovery, historical implications
such as colonialism, technological progress and globalization
form the thematic undertone of the exhibition. The objects in
the installation induce familiarity, but they’re never explicit.
They’re merely the representation of fantastic historicity –
shadows of the real world – and they resemble an entrance;
surfaces that act as props; the idea of antiques, inscribed age,
hollow on the inside; the notion that bullet holes could resem
ble celestial maps; a generated face; words written by dreams.
I am creating a place inside the (exhibition-)space, located
somewhere between the real, the symbolic, and the imagi
nary realm, where meaning is only ever suggested to create
a three-dimensional canvas upon which desires, fears, and
experiences might be projected."
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