Eine bräunlich-grüne Flüssigkeit mit ocker-grauen Einsprengseln, überzogen von transparenten, leicht ins Bläuliche gehenden Mikrohaarteilchen. Die Nahrungsmittel scheinen nicht mehr zum Verzehr geeignet zu sein, gewissermaßen tot, doch gleichzeitig auch sehr lebendig.
Der Blick in das Innere des Kühlschranks bringt Sung-eun Lee zum Schauen. Zum Staunen. Und zum Malen.
Description (eng)
She is always inspired by her Window….
her dirty old Black Window….
When she looks at her Window…. she can feel the energy of the Mold … the Mold…
Her work must be unpredictable.
She can’t work by a fixed plan in her head.
She must not know what the result will look like.
She always has to pay attention on the process.
She has to look very closely and carefully.
She has to react to the process and don’t let my thoughts take hold.
She just has to do it.
She has to let everything be on its own.
Let everything flow.
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Provenance (eng)
This thesis has been migrated to the repository of the angewandte in the course of a database migration (2022).
The thesis is made available within the framework of the obligation to publish (§ 86 UG 2002).
If you have content or editorial concerns about the digital version of these theses, press the owner. You will then be forwarded to the support team.