The livings
—A series of performance works for the art space.
1) screening
2) view/ers
3) paperplane
4) this is the next song
In the series, The livings, Jianan Qu performs in the blank spaces that surround art works. In so doing he asks: Could the act of observing art be turned into art itself? What makes the space perform? How can we approach the accompanying descriptive text in these spaces?
This rethinking of the space for art is not only conceptual, but also physical and visual. By providing artistic answers to theoretical questions with the works screening, view/ers, paperplane and this is the next song, Jianan Qu opens up new areas for understanding, alongside possible misunderstandings, that relate to the white cube.
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This thesis has been migrated to the repository of the angewandte in the course of a database migration (2022).
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