Es ist Hochsommer und die Wasserversorgung in
einer Wohnhausanlage bricht zusammen, außer bei
Franziska Dehke im siebten Stock. Ihre Wohnung,
gleich einer Oase, wird zum Knotenpunkt der
Geschichte: Hier wird ein- und ausgegangen,
geträumt, beobachtet, geküsst, verzaubert etc.
Dieses Stück zeigt, wie eng Alltag, Traum und
Märchen miteinander verwoben sein können. Das
Aufeinandertreffen der fünf AkteureInnen in ihren
unterschiedlichen Bewusstseinszuständen und das
Verschwinden von Grenzen machen das Stück zu
einem Verwirrspiel für ProtagonistInnen wie für
Mittelpunkt der abstrakten Bühne ist ein asymmetrischer
Volumenkörper mit transparenter
Haut. Das Licht zeigt und begleitet uns durch
die verschiedenen Welten. Mit seinem Gegenpol,
dem Schatten, werden wir durch Die Arabische
Nacht geführt.
Description (eng)
The starting point of my diploma is the play "Die Arabische Nacht" by Roland Schimmelpfennig, a contemporary author. Following the drama I design a set for the model of the Akademietheater in proportion 1:25, the sequence of scenes I will show on the basis of photos. During the story the borders between everyday life and dream are blurring. The setting is not an imitation of reality. The act plays in, on and around an abstract object, which changes from ordinary life into a landscape of dreams with ligth effects. Additionally I would like to direct an attention toward costume, because it represents like the equipment of the stage a basic element for the total concept. On the one hand by showing photographs and on the other hand by exhibition of articles of clothing I will give an insight of costume pictures. The work is presented in the context of an exhibition, in which further six young artists from the scenery class will show their different diploma projects in a former metal workshop.
It is high summer and the water supply in a house breaks down, except at Franziska Dehkes home in the seventh floor. This flat, like an oasis, becomes junction oft the story: Here people are coming and going, men and women are sleeping, observing, kissing and magic is in the air.
The play shows how close together every day life, dreams and fairy tales could be. The meeting of the five actors in their different consciousness and the losing of borders makes the story into a confusion for actors and audience.
The main point of the abstract stage is an asymmetrical volume body with a transparent skin. The light is showing and accompanying us through the different worlds. Together with its against pole, the shadow, we will be led through the arab night.
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