"until we meet again ist ein temporäres Studio für das queere community-buildign-Festival FRUITFEST.
Fokus der Arbeit ist eine Erkundung der Einflüsse von HIV- und AIDS- Aktivismus auf die zeitgenössische Kunst."
Description (eng)
"until we meet again is a temporary studio space for the queer community building festival FRUITFEST.
Focus of the work an exploration of the influence of HIV- and AIDS- activism in contemporary art."
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Provenance (eng)
This thesis has been migrated to the repository of the angewandte in the course of a database migration (2022).
The thesis is made available within the framework of the obligation to publish (§ 86 UG 2002).
If you have content or editorial concerns about the digital version of these theses, press the owner. You will then be forwarded to the support team.